Ajai Chemmanam
Batch size in Neural Networks
Date: 2022-04-06
Written by Ajai Chemmanam

Batch size in Neural Networks

Batch size is a common term used while training a neural network. Ever wondered why we need to pass data to networks in batches?

Batch Size defines the amount of data passed through the network in a single propagation. Consider 1000 data with you, You pass it through the network as a set of 100. Then you need to propagate through the network 10 times to complete an epoch.

As a common practice, we usually take batch size as a multiple of 8 Eg. 8,16,32 etc. The number usually is based on how much data we can fit into the memory at a time, to avoid running out of memory while training.


Training a Model using Batyches have the following advantages:

  • Training requires less memory since you only need to load a small amount of data at once

  • Training can occur faster since the weight is updated after each propagation so the model needs not to wait for the entire data to update the weights.


Along with these advantages there is also a downfall:

  • As the batch size decreases it becomes harder to estimate the gradient, there will be more fluctuations.