Ajai Chemmanam
Introduction To Blog
Date: 2022-01-02
Written by Ajai Chemmanam

Hi everyone, This is my first blog post.

I have a habit of taking note of every thing I do, for reproducibility of my works. And these notes proved to be very helpful to

  • find solutions to issues that I had faced earlier and how I solved them
  • Easier to work on projects based on a new tech stack in which I had tried out earlier
  • Reproduce works faster

But overtime, I started to face difficulties in finding relevant notes, as they were all scattered around on my Macbook, Workstation etc. For a long time, I was thinking of publishing my notes somewhere on the public. So that it will be easier for me to find and access them from anywhere in the world. Also it might help someone who faced a similar issue like me.

My initial thoughts was to start a blog on blogspot/medium/wordpress. But they all were kind of outdated. Hence I thought, Why can't I host my own portfolio webpage that features my previous works, research works and these notes, all in one place.

That's how this blog was born.

I really hope, that these notes will benefit someone someday.

Thanks everyone. Keep reading. More blogs coming soon ...!