Ajai Chemmanam
Research Guide - Featuring Online Tools to Help In Research
Date: 2022-03-28
Written by Ajai Chemmanam

This is my first blog on research. Being a researcher, I found that it's always difficult to find the right tools/person to help guide you through the challenging times. In this blog, I try to introduce you to some tools that can be useful to those who are actively in research and as well as for those who are starting their incredible journey.

Connected Papers

Link : https://www.connectedpapers.com/

With connected papers, we can build a graph of papers relevant to a particular field and discover prior or derivatives works in our field of interest. It is also useful to create a bibliography for your papers.

Connected Papers Homepage

Arxiv Sanity

Link : http://www.arxiv-sanity.com/

It allows researchers to keep track of recent papers, search for papers, sort papers by similarity to any paper, see recent popular papers, add papers to a personal library, and get personalized recommendations of (new or old) Arxiv papers.

Arxiv Sanity Homepage

Alpha Signal

Link : https://alphasignal.ai/

It provides a weekly summary of research papers trending and worth reading.

Alpha Signal Homepage

Google Scholar

Link : https://scholar.google.com/

Once we add keywords, fields, researchers to follow, We can get notifications whenever any paper relevant to them gets uploaded.

Google Scholar Homepage


Link : https://www.overleaf.com/

Overleaf helps you to write research papers in Latex with zero setup. It also has templates of popular journals and conferences.

Overleaf Homepage